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The Borderlands Crusade Session 10

January 22, 2017

The Borderlands Crusade

Session: 10

Real World Date: 01/14/2017

Mystara Date: Yarthmount Mouldain 11, 1000 CY

Party Members:

Huey: Human Ranger Acolyte of Zirchev

Esa Sovalis: Human “Nobleman Adventurer”(Rogue)

Alaric Connagher: Paladin of Halav

Pa Gha: Poteign Minotaur Wizard

Kushna Partavali: Priestess of the Church of Karameikos

Mission Title: The Forge of Fury

Mission instructions: Using the information provided by the Daggers burg goblins, explore a reputed Orc strong hold and exterminate any Orcs, gather as much intelligence as possible. Determine any historical value, of said strong hold.


The Approach: 1

Rope Bridge over the Abyss. 1

Rescue in the Underworld. 2

When Stealth fails. 2

Battle with Bardug: 3



The Approach:

The Party completed the 3 hour trip from Threshold and approached within a distance of 2 miles of the Mountain structure. The party noticed that the trail went upwards in a Zigzag pattern. Up the side of the mountain. There was also a plume of black smoke trailing upwards from a chimney of some sort leading them to question if the mountain was volcanic, Pa-gha assured them that the smoke was more from a cooking fire, than a volcanic one, His words were proven correct when the smoke eventually subsided.

Huey continued his investigation, as they travelled up the trail spotting the footprints of at least four humanoid figures that eventually left the trail and left into the forest. His attempts to follow the trail left by the footprints proved to be a distraction and the party resumed their travel only to discover a large stone marker off to the side. The Marker appeared to have some runic type writing that no one in the party was able to read. The runic letters appeared to be crossed over with what was (hopefully) red pain with words that Alaric translated as “Belongs to Great Ulfe, Now!” in Orcish.

Huey and Esa finally navigated their way to the edge of the clearing leading to the Entrance of the fortress. They eventually realized based on the massive stone doorway, that it was not a Human base as the goblins reported, but an ancient dwarven strong hold. They noticed that the door which originally had a carving of a Dwarven king was defaced with some rather unflattering graffiti and artwork. There were four orcs guarding the entrance; two engaged in a conversation while the other two were relieving themselves at the sides of the entrance. The party approached and quickly used arrows and magic missiles to dispatch them quickly. After wards, they attempted to move the massive stone doors but were unsuccessful, even with Mighty Pa-Gha’s massive strength. After another few moments attempting to locate a means of opening the doors, they were finally able to locate a lever which allowed them access to the stronghold.

Rope Bridge over the Abyss:

The Door opened wide to a large chamber which was seemingly cut in half by a deep chasm whose end was obscured by shadows, crossing it was a frayed rope bridge that required great skill to navigate. Esa, crossed it first, demonstrating an obscene amount of grace and agility which made it deceptively easy. Huey and then Alaric also crossed, albeit with a bit less grace. Both Pa-gha and Kushna were left behind, they were negotiating as to who should cross first, Both came to the conclusion that since the Minotaur was the largest, he should go last since if he breaks the rope, the other would be left stranded. Kushna then moved forward carefully only to be knocked off the bridge when she missed a step. She gave a feeble yelp just as she disappeared into the Chasm. Although the apparent death of the Acolyte came as a shock, Pa-gha composed himself and decided to navigate the rope bridge very slowly. His massive hooves were carefully placed until he finally made it across. The party took a few moments to pray for Kushna’s soul before turning to see two Orc guards that stumbled onto the group. The party moved quickly, dispatching the two guards before they could sound the alert.


Rescue in the Underworld:

Huey and Esa continue to take the lead, entering a massive cavern which once was a beautifully hewn common area, Decay and the Orcs had turned this place into a make shift camp. They eventually stumbled on a primitive cage where they found two humans who were captured during one of the Orc’s raids on the surrounding country side. Named Garadil and Cortana, they were grateful to be liberated and were more than happy to provide their rescuers with some information.

  • There are at least 20 Orcs in the raiding party, Led by a rather unpleasant Ogre named “The Great Ulfe”. His lieutenants consisted of a female orc shaman named “Burdug” and an older Orc named “Old Yarrick”. This is especially troubling since Orcs don’t have much of a life expectancy, there for it is believed that Old Yarrick was fairly competent and intelligent.
  • The prisoners had overheard the Orcs talk about the trouble they had been having with some “Strange Dwarves” that live in the lower levels of the caves. They mentioned something to the effect that the Orcs almost had a very grudging respect for these dwarves.

Huey had discussed with the pair the possibility of joining the party, however, they indicated that they were farmers, and not well trained warriors. They were going to slip out of the strong hold and return to their village.


When Stealth fails:

With the prisoners freed, Huey and Esa resumed their exploration taking the northern exit of the cavern leading to a row of doors. One of which being a massive steel door. Pa-Gha and Alaric kept a distance allowing them to observe their party members while not interfering with their stealthier compatriots, however, Once Huey and Esa approached the massive door, a loud series of barks were heard behind it. The door was flung open revealing a large Ogre siccing his two pet wolves at the party!

Alaric fired his bow, while Esa and Huey made quick work of one wolf, Pa-Gha quickly uttered arcane incantations creating five illusionary doubles almost filling the hallway with gigantic Minotaurs!

The Ogre was enraged seeing one of his pet wolves butchered by the party, charged into battle wielding a massive Axe, bellowing for Old Yorrick to bring the orcs into battle. Not waiting for the Orcs to join the battle, Esa tumbled into position to flank the Ogre with Huey and Alaric, the three of them using flashing blades, the Ogre, however delivered two withering attacks, the first on Alaric and the second on Esa. Pa-Gha release magic missiles killing the first to orcs to arrive in the scene

Two more Orcs then came on the scene followed by a middle aged Orc Veteran leading from behind. The two younger orcs attacked Esa, one of them landing a lucky strike on the nimble nobleman. Esa, however, responded by landing a brutal killing stroke into the Ogre’s ribcage, as Huey and Alaric killed the remaining wolf. Pa-Gha and Huey then dispatched the orc warriors. The veteran (Old Yorrick) immediately lifted his hands in surrender!

As the party began questioning the grizzled orc, four more orcs attempted to attack Pa-Gha from behind, “Killing” one of his illusionary duplicates. The party acted quickly killing the newer orcs, before tying Old Yorrick up and began questioning him.


  • The orcs had been living in the ancient strong hold recently, having dug their way past the defenses.
  • There are currently TWO hunting parties of four Orcs each who could return at any moment.
  • The “Strange Dwarves” appear to be a strange subrace of dwarves who call themselves the “Duergar”. And that they demonstrated some magical powers like growth and invisibility. Another aspect setting them apart is that they are clean shaven of any hair. A behavior that would be considered shameful to the mountain and Hill variety. Pa-Gha then mentioned that the Duergar mainly dwell in the underdark, with a ruthless militaristic society.
  • There is another member of the orc tribe, a Shamaness named Bardug, with “Great Magical powers”.

Battle with Bardug:

After securing Old Yorrick in the cell used to hold the human prisoners, the party moved quickly following the directions Yorrick gave, opening the door quickly, they finally faced the Shameness and her two guards, prepared to meet them.        Esa was first struck with a sudden fear as he beheld the hideous visage of the female orc. Pa-Gha retaliated with a magic missile, while Huey and Alaric unleash arrows on the guards. They continued the battle resisting a sleep spell cast by Bardug. Pa-Gha responded with another Magic Missile killing the Shamaness while Esa finally resisted the Magical fear places upon him and attacked the remaining orc guard. They continued examining the area discovering a large chamber with a gigantic stairwell. They prepared themselves when they heard the ominous buzzing of insect wings.

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